Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sat Oct 1, Visit with Chika's Grandma

We got up and got ready pretty quickly, and put some of the photo albums in the car and headed for Chika's grandma's house. They got a call from Chika's brother, and he and his wife were able to come out to visit today, too. We got there, and once again there was much more food that any of us were able to eat. There was sekihan, tamago no tempura, norimaki, oinarisan, uzura no tamago (quail egg) and boiled chicken, osuimono (tsuyu) and various tsukemono. We sat around taking pictures, talking and generally laughing way too much.

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Around 5:30 we left to head back to Chika's parents house, and stopped by a nearby Lawson store to buy tickets to the Ghibli museum for the 5th (my birthday). Then we can back, and relaxed a bit, and ate a small dinner, and Chika researched where we can buy beer for tomorrow (when we're meeting up with a bunch of people for an afternoon in the park). I finally uploaded all the pictures we took on our Kyuushuu trip, and entered really brief descriptions of what we did over the week we were away from the internet.

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