Monday, February 15, 2010

Okonomiyaki (Mon Evening 2/15)

I went down the street to one of the many okonomiyaki places close to the station. I had a couple beers, and pork/squid/corn/cheese okonomiyaki and spinach/bacon/oyster sauce stir fry.





At one other table, a girl folded a chopstick holder in a way I hadn't seen before, and she did it again for me and someone else at another table that was interested. I need to see if I still remember how to do it.

Then I went to a game center and saw a bunch of totoro / ponyo keychains in a UFO machine, and I managed to get 3 of them to fall in at once (after many tries).


That's it for today .. here's a link to the photo set for today. おやすみ


Tiffany and Gabriel said...

3 keychains! I never win at that kind of game. Loving your posts :)

Linda said...

You were right - food is at the top of your list of things 'to do'

I'm enjoying the sights - the camera takes excellent pics especially night pics but also the pics of the can almost smell it : )

I am hoping the rain stops soon!
